Business Income Tax

Business Income Tax

Our service is founded on the commitment, dedication and professionalism of our people. We strive to service our clients by adhering to our own standard of excellence. We are your source for personal tax help when you don’t think your tax issues can be handled on your own. We work round-the-clock to ensure the taxpayer’s problem is resolved. Check out the price table below and choose a plan the most suitable for you.

Affordable Pricing, Maximum Refunds

Single-Member LLC
$649.95 Business
This includes Schedule C Business Tax Return And Basic 1040 Personal Tax Return
Multi-Member LLC
$849.95 Business
This includes the form 1065 Partnership Return and the K-1 Forms for the Members This does not include a Personal Tax Return
Corporations,C Corporation
$949.95 Business
This includes Form 1120 Corporate Tax Return This does not include a Personal Tax Return
Corporations, Sub S Corporation
$949.95 Business
This includes Form 1120-S Corporate Tax Return and the K-1 Forms for the Members This does not include a personal Tax Return

What are the different types of business taxes?

Excise taxes, sales taxes, employment taxes, self-employment taxes, income taxes, and estimated taxes are the main categories of business taxes. These taxes are something that business owners need to be aware of.

What penalties happen if I fail to pay my business taxes?

You face late payment penalties if you fail to pay your business taxes by the deadline. For each month or portion of a month that the payment is late, there is a 0.5% late payment penalty applied to the unpaid tax. A 25% late payment penalty is the maximum. You will be liable to pay interest on any unpaid taxes in addition to the late payment penalty. It is important to pay your taxes on time since penalties and interest can quickly build up.

How can I minimize my taxes as a business?

There are lots of approaches to lower your company’s taxes. Maximizing all of the tax credits and deductions to which you are eligible is one approach. Organizing your company as a pass-through entity, such an LLC or S corporation, is an additional option. By doing this, you will be able to keep your business income from being taxed twice. These options will lower your current taxes while enabling you to save for retirement.

Does my business require a sales tax number?

If you plan to offer goods or services that are subject to sales tax, you must have a sales tax number. You must get in touch with the Department of Revenue in your state to acquire a sales tax number.

Are gifts given to clients by businesses tax claimed?

Yes, client gifts are tax deductible. However, there are some restrictions on how much can be deducted. For instance, the annual deduction for presents to clients is only permitted up to $25 per client.

What is the current corporate tax rate in the U.S.?

The corporate tax rate is 21%

How do businesses pay their taxes?

Businesses can pay their taxes using various methods including direct pay from a bank account, debit or credit card payments, installment agreements, and the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).

Can businesses file an amended tax return?

Yes, businesses can file an amended return if they need to correct any information on their original tax return. For more specific information or updates, it’s advisable to check the IRS website.You can also ask us.